do these names have in common?
Hagrid’s Dragon, Thor’s Helmet, The Yin-Yang, The Oyster, Cleopatra’s
Eye, The Helix, The Sliced Onion, The Fiddlehead, The Ghost, The Turtle, The
Baby Eskimo, The Hockey Stick, The White-eyed Pea, The Little Gem, The Snake,
The Captain Hook, The Heart, The Coal Car, The Raspberry, The Double Bubble,
The Silver Streak, The Cat’s Paw, The Cheerio, The Little Beehive, The
Starfish, The Ink spot, The Emerald, The Phantom Streak, The Frigate Bird, The
Magic Carpet, and The Chandelier.
They’re all imaginative names astronomers have given to star clusters,
galaxies, nebulae, and other celestial objects.
Of course, these names are not necessarily what other creatures out there in the Universe call the same objects. They might call our magnificent spiral Milky
Way something like The Dishwater Going Down the Drain Galaxy.