Friday, October 11, 2024

WHY did he do it?

    Bob Woodward, legendary investigative journalist who helped expose the Nixon Watergate scandal, recently revealed that during the raging Covid pandemic, while thousands of Americans were dying every day, then-President Trump secretly sent Covid test kits to Vladimir Putin before they were readily available to our own people. Woodward also documented several discreet personal phone conversations over time between the two men.Trump himself has bragged about his friendly contacts with Putin. 

    Hold that thought for a minute.

    Anybody who's been paying attention to verifiable facts knows of Trump's extensive efforts to overturn the 2020 election results: His refusal of a peaceful transfer of power--the first in our history--and his persistent claim that he actually won. His calls to Republican state officials to "find" him votes or to just declare their state's results invalid. The failed fake electors scheme. The 60 Republican lawsuits alleging election fraud committed by Democrats, all thrown out of courts across the country for lack of evidence. (See at least the last Jan 6 Select Committee Report on YouTube including sworn testimony from numerous Republican witnesses.) His dictate to Pence to derail the ceremonial process of counting the electoral votes in congress, which Pence rightly refused to do. As a last resort, him whipping up a mob of his supporters to assault the Capitol and ". . . fight like hell." (While watching the riot unfold for three hours on TV, refusing to call off the violence that severely injured 140 Capitol Police and ransacked the seat of our democracy, he was told that his rampaging Minions were shouting "HANG MIKE PENCE." His response was, "So what?") So we know beyond any doubt just how far Trump will go to achieve or retain power. 

    But that's only one of Trump's criminal liabilities (for which he has been duly indicted by Special Council Jack Smith).

    Let's consider another of his legal liabilities. He took dozens of file boxes filled with hundreds of Secret and Top Secret documents from the White House, which legally belonged in the secure National Archives, to his Mar-a-Lago residence/members' resort and had them stored unsecured in a toilet and elsewhere. When the FBI demanded them back he refused, so they finally had to go in and seize them. When pressed by reporters, Trump claimed he could declassify documents " . . . just by thinking about it."

    My question is WHY did he take those secret documents? Merely as souvenirs? Or could he have wanted them as strong bargaining chips to curry personal power or favor? We know that at one point he did call Volodymyr Zelensky asking him to dig up any dirt he could on Biden, implying the withholding of aid otherwise. So we do know Trump is not above manipulative maneuvering to bolster his power.

    We now know Trump shared Covid test kits with Putin, even before his own citizens had them.

    What else might he have shared? Possibly a few documents? And if so, in return for what?


If you agree with these posts, please pass them on. There are fence-sitting people out there who are perhaps tiring of MAGA lies and can maybe be persuaded to stand up and vote for the truth.     






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